Capital Gains Tax Clearance Certificate


Each individual Owner must apply for a separate Clearance Certificate.
For example, if two people own the Property, you must make two separate applications for Clearance Certificates and separately complete this form below.

Your Contact Information
Your Full Legal Name

Your Current Address

Your Tax File Number (TFN)

Your Australian Business Number (ABN) if applicable

Select type of entity:

For An Individual Vendor
Full Name

Date of Birth

For A Company Vendor
Name of Company (if applicable)

Ultimate Holding Company

For A Trust or SMSF Vendor
Trust Name or SMSF Name

Trustee Name

Has your residency status changed since your last tax return or will it change before you sell the property?

Have you lodged a tax return for the last two years?

In which country have you lodged tax returns?

If you have lodged an Australian tax return, did you lodge your tax return as a resident or non resident?

Are you holding the property on behalf of a foreign resident or on behalf of other entities that include a foreign resident?